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Healing Properties

• Agate
Agate is an excellent stone for rebalancing and harmony of the body, mind and spirit. It cleanses and stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity. Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities

• Amazonite
Amazonite is a soothing / healing stone which works with the heart Chakra that has a balance of feminine and masculine vibrations. It is said to ease energies during aggressive situations and to enhance love between others. It is also said to help the nervous system especially when over stimulated or maintaining mental and physical health

• Amethyst
Amethyst is a calming stone many turn to during times of stress or over-stimulation. It aids best in times of fear, anger, grief or times of mood swings. The tranquilizing vibrations it emits make it great to wear before and during bed to allow your body and mind to unwind itself and calm down.

• Angel Aura Quartz
Aura Quartz is a grounding focused variant of Quartz. Much like standard Quartz  is a cleanser, amplifier, and master healer. Aura Quartz aids in letting go of anger, envy, and negative energies of others. Platinum is infused with the Quartz to give it the rainbow sheen that is very evident. The platinum also gives it strong grounding properties along with healing.

• Angel Aura Rose Quartz
Aura Rose Quartz is a grounding focused variant of Rose Quartz. Much like standard Rose Quartz it is a stress reliever. Aura Rose Quartz aids in letting go of anger, envy, and negative energies of others. Platinum is infused with the Rose Quartz to give it the rainbow sheen that is very evident. The platinum also gives it strong grounding properties along with healing

• Aquamarine
Aquamarine is similar to Moonstone in the sense that it is also an uncommon feminine balancing stone. The moon and the ocean are linked with one another and are both feminine symbols of balance. Aquamarine allows us to help our emotion and energy flow easily like the waves of the ocean. It brings the user peace. It is amazing to aid in protection and purification of energy during deep meditation. Aquamarine is best for those who are recovering from any and all forms of deep rooted trauma.

• Black Opal
Black Opal is a protection stone from some of the highest forms of vibrational energy. It's deep noble black almost seems to absorb light, displaying how it can shield the user from ill willed energies. The many different colored flashes also are symbolic of the range of energies it can protect you from.

• Black Moonstone
Black Moonstone is a strong connection stone. Black moonstone is used for opening blocked Chakra gates and allows the Chakras to release and grow from past damage or trauma. Those looking to recover from their past or a stronger connection to their inner self and intuitions.

• Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is one of strongest grounding / protection stones for those displaying signs of disassociation, depersonalization, or any anxieties. Black Tourmaline works with the crown chakra to settle back into the users physical body. Those who suffer from over stimulation can also benefit greatly from the stone.

• Blue Calcite
Blue Calcite is an amazing calming / balancing stone that many turn to for meditation. Many find that solutions to issues they're facing can easily be visualized with the stone when used. It is also known to help a user make tough decisions, and helps ease one into working with their shadow.

• Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate is rare healing stone only found in small deposits from very few countries in the world. Blue Lace Agate has the ability to transform neutral or negative energy into a positive healing vibration. This can be felt as a cooling or calming atmosphere in the air that aids those in a state of sorrow or anger. The agate fills the user with a security and stability at any time.

• Blue Sandstone
While Sandstone itself is a type of man-made glass. The cobalt it is infused with makes it a protection stone that deflects negative energies, while promoting confidence and a strong will. It provides a grounding aura that can aid those in search of finding

• Blue Tigers Eye
Blue Tigers Eye is a calming stone, which soothes the mind during moments of stress and anxiety. In addition it eases and brings peace to the user. Like common Tigers Eye it has properties which are grounding and protective but also enhances natural psychic abilities as well as aids in astral travel.

• Bumblebee Jasper
Bumblebee Jasper is an extremely rare grounding / balancing stone. The stone is mined from the active volcano Mount Papandayan located in Indonesia which makes it incredibly hard and dangerous to acquire. The stone is formed when sulfur, gypsum, and hematite are fused together from the heat and pressure of the volcano, giving it an extremely strong grounding property. Many find that the stone is useful for those who are moving from the end of one chapter of their life, to the beginning of a new journey.

• Blue Aventurine
Blue Aventurine is a grounding / energizing stone that works with the user to encourage change in mental habits. Those seeking aid with addiction see this stone as a go to. Many with trouble in social situations that seek help with speaking for themselves or standing up for what is right will also benefit from this stone.

• Carnelian
Carnelian is an energizing / stabilization stone that motivates the user and simulates courage and positive life choices. It is good for those who seek to move on from trauma and are learning to trust their perceptions

• Chevron Amethyst
Chevron Amethyst much like standard Amethyst, is a tranquil soothing stone thats purple and white colors focus on the third eye and crown Chakras. The combination of standard quartz and Amethyst in the sharp angular pattern of the stone enhances the properties of the amethyst it is mainly composed of. It also greatly provides aid in awakening the third eye Chakra.

• Citrine
Citrine is an enhancement / energizing stone associated with the sacral chakra. It provides the user with joy and optimism in everyday life. Those who need motivation with a project or career that they are focused on. Citrine is also an amazing stone for manifestations and abundance. 

• Clear Quartz
Quartz is an amplifier of other stones that surround it, meaning that it will enhance the properties of the other crystals around it. As well as having the ability to cleanse and charge other crystals.

• Crazy Lace Agate
Crazy Lace Agate is protection / grounding stone that aids with protection from negative energy. Crazy Lace helps you go with the flow of any situation during difficult times. It is known to aid the user when recovering from exhaustion or fatigue, and is know to fortify emotional stability.

• Dalmatian Jasper
Dalmatian Jasper is a transformative stone that is said to aid with major changes in life. Dalmatian allows thoughts to shift into new positive ideas. For those who crave assistance in creativity or are going through a shift in lifestyle, Dalmatian Jasper is perfect for you.

• Dragons Blood Jasper
Dragon's Blood Jasper is a power stone that attracts love, creativity and money in order to achieve your goals and guide you on your mission.

• Druzy Agate
Druzy agate is a balancing stone, that strengthens ones soul, brings out natural healing abilities, and aids those with depression. The stone allows the user to gain peace, patience, and brings

• Flower Agate
Flower Agate is a very feminine transitional stone. Flower Agate is a very nurturing stone with a warm loving energy. It provides aid in manifesting and mental growth / recovery. Its soothing vibration may help those who have recently gotten out of a hard or traumatic relationship that are seeking recovery.

• Garden Quartz
Garden Quartz is an enhancing stone that promotes creativity in the user. It is said to sharpen your awareness, promotes inspiration, and even help romantic relationships

• Garnet
Garnet is a healing / balancing stone that brings emotional stability to the user. Garnet is also known as a love stone bringing harmony to an intimate relationship, and increasing sex drive.

• Gold Sandstone
Much like Blue Sandstone, Gold Sandstone is a man-made glass infused with copper. This gives it grounding property that relieves tension, and helps conduct our natural energy to uplift the user.

• Golden Sheen Obsidian
Golden Sheen Obsidian helps with the unblocking to manifest, helps dissolve unhealthy patterns/ habits by finding the root of the suffering, and is also great for grounding/ protection just like black Obsidian.

• Golden Healer
Golden Healer, being a combination of iron and quartz, makes for an excellent Grounding stone. It provides the user with mental clarity during times of struggle. It allows the mind to settle and fortify itself when put under intense stress.

• Golden Rutile
Golden Rutile helps strengthen the users motivation and willpower! It has angelic like vibrations, this helping connect with your spirit guides! It also helps let you release your past and protects against negative thoughts of others.

• Gray Moonstone
Gray Moonstone is great for psychic abilities! It allows us to “pull” back the veil between our plane and the astral one. It helps enhance visions, psychic sight, and clairvoyance. Gray Moonstone also has a very loving and healing energy.

• Green Aventurine
Green Aventurine is a healing / balancing stone that cleanses us from static that is created by the technology that surrounds us everyday. It has properties that settle nausea and blocks negative thoughts.

• Green Fluorite
Green Fluorite is a growth stone, which acts a conductor for life force. The stone allows us to connect to the most primordial form of natures energy, and connect to natural flow and order of the universe. Green fluorite works with the heart Chakra allowing us to open our hearts to new experience and recover from old wounds.

• Green Jade
Green Jade was seen as a good luck stone from ancient Chinese cultures. However today it is more commonly used as a stabilization stone that allows the mind and body to unwind and release emotional fatigue. This process heals the body as a byproduct of the stabilization process however it is not directly a healing stone. Many who suffer from social anxiety use to it settle the mind and become their true self and realize their social self.

• Green Moonstone
Green Moonstone is an uncommon, balancing, very feminine variant of moonstone. Green Moonstone's properties are very similar to aquamarine. It is best for those seeking emotional stability or who find that they have trouble with over-sensitivity. Green Moonstone is also said to connect us to our subconscious and bring out intuitions.

• Hematite
Hematite absorbs negative energy, and calms the user during times of stress. Its also a great for protection, and can help with grounding.

• Howlite
Howlite is a calming stone that aids in memory retention, eases anger, and aids in sleep. It is said to help with lucid dreaming and retaining memory of dreams. Many with insomnia look to Howlite for assistance. It is best used when placed under a pillow or in a pillow case.

• Kunzite
Kunzite is a stone that promotes unconditional romance, and heals heartbreak. It can strengthen the users energy field, cleanse the aura, and clear negativity from their surroundings/ space.

• Labradorite
Labradorite is an enhancing / protection stone that changes colors with the light. The blue flash indicates that it helps with the throat Chakra, which allows the user to verbalize with ease, and helps with inner strength. Labradorite is said to also help with protection against negative energies, spiritual alignment, and aids with change. Labradorite is also said to be a good stone for spiritual awakening and third eye opening. This stone may call out to indigo children due to its deep blue hue.

• Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is a protection / strength stone with slight healing properties. Lapis has a wide range of abilities that range from providing courage, strength, intellect, and warding off evil. It also known for aiding those with migraines and strengthening the mind due to it working with the third eye chakra. Lapis has great potential for those seeking to vocalize their troubles or speaking up about an issue.

• Lava Stone
Lava Stone is a deep Grounding stone that works well in tandem with a variety of stones. It offers a basic protect from both negative vibrations and energies, as well as helping to mute any stone negative side effects or bring down stones with high vibrational energy.

• Lemon Jade
Lemon Jade has a very nurturing energy! It helps inspire peace, wisdom, and practicality! Its great for emotional balance, happiness, stability, and harmony! Lemon Jade is amazing for understanding new information!

• Lepidolite
Lepidolite is a strong healing stone that also works with the third eye chakra to assist those who work with higher energies. The stone is known to dispel and heal the soul due to the amounts of Lithium which is an excellent Healer for the mind.

• Mahogany Obsidian 
Mahogany Obsidian is a great beginning stone. Its a protecting and grounding stone, that may also ease energy blockages and stimulate growth of the mind, body, and spirit.

• Malachite
Malachite is a love stone that works excellently with the heart Chakra. Many also turn to the stone for spiritual guidance, the loving energy it provides make it good for a spirit guide to provide insight out of love for the user. It is also known to mend relationships in troubled times. Malachite is an amazing manifestation stone, and is known for promoting wealth. 

• Mookaite
Mookaite is a grounding stone that you will feel during very stressful or difficult times. It is said to provide a shielding or blocking effect against negative energy. Many use it to focus themselves during times of stress, as to not get distracted and push away unwanted influences.

• Moss Agate
Moss Agate is a balancing and stability stone. It attracts abundance, success and wealth. It encourages new friendships and relationships. Moss Agate is great for reducing emotional disturbances and drama. Moss Agate also does not actually contain moss in the agate. It is actually a form of Quartz with many complex inclusions!

• Network Jasper
Network Jasper or Zebra Jasper as some know it, is a strong balancing stone. Some see the black and white in the stone as a representation of Yin and Yang, and due to most jasper being strong balancing stones, makes this Jasper an very strong balancing stone. Many use it for common or guided meditation.

• Obsidian
Obsidian is a very strong grounding / protection stone. Its properties allow the user protection from psychic attacks, absorbs negative energy, and draws out stress and tension. However Obsidian has the capacity to help us confront our inner demons, and realize dark truths. Standard Obsidian also shares the same properties with Rainbow Obsidian due to having extremely similar crystalline structures.

• Ocean Jasper
Ocean Jasper relieves stress and promotes relaxation! It inspires us by feelings of joy, through the release of negative emotions and thoughts.

• Opal
Opal is an Enhancing stone, treasured for hundreds of years, said to give the wearer invisibility from the Roman Empire, which may have given it a bad reputation to some. Today we see it as a stone that assists with expanding the consciousness, and works with the crown chakra to enhance psychic visions.

• Opalite
Opalite is a Communication stone that allows our body's different parts to work in tandem in order to open our Chakra gates and heal emotionally. Opalite is a form of glass that is infused with grounding metals that allows it aid us with transitional periods and helps us verbalize our clouded feelings.

• Orange Calcite
Orange Calcite is an enchantment / energizing stone that quickens your spiritual development and promotes happiness and joy. It is known to increase the users awareness as well as helps to discover and embrace your soul purpose.

• Pink Opal
Pink Opal is an enhancement / healing stone that activates and unlocks our heart chakra whiles also imbues one's aura with calming, tranquil vibrations. It's a perfect stone for someone to carry if they are struggling with any sadness, especially that of a broken heart.

• Pyrite
Known as fools gold, Pyrite is a very strong protection stone that many use in spell jars and everyday use. It offers grounder properties while shielding the user from negativity and dark thoughts. Its associated with wealth, money, and success. 

• Quartz
Quartz is an amplifier of other stones that surround it, meaning that it will enhance the properties of the other crystals around it. As well as having the ability to cleanse and charge other crystals.

• Quartz Geodes
Quartz Geodes (portals) emanate the energy and properties of Quartz in all directions. Quartz is an amplifier of other stones that surround it, meaning that it will enhance the properties of the other crystals around it. As well as having the ability to cleanse and charge other crystals.

• Rainbow Fluorite
Rainbow Fluorite is a balancing stone which contains many properties of all the colors. It contains the ability to protect the user, however it its mainly used for stabilization and harmonizing the spirit. Its many different colors and properties make it great or balance of the mind and spirit.

• Rainbow Moonstone
Rainbow Moonstone brings balance, creativity, compassion, and inner confidence to the user! Its known for strengthening psychic abilities, intuition, and helping jumpstart visions. Its great for promoting success and good fortune fir business matters!

• Red Aventurine
Being an enhancement stone Red Aventurine brings a self-confidence built on fearlessness, a call to action and excitement. It raises our enthusiasm and speeds up our metabolism. Red reflects the color of passion, energy and life. It motivates.

• Red Jasper
Like many jaspers Red Jasper is a protective / grounding stone that cleanses the air of electromagnetic static. This effect brings the user a wholeness that is great for meditation. Red Jasper rids anxiety/panic attacks.  It is also an amazing beginner stone for the inexperienced.

• Rhodonite
Rhodonite is a love stone of compassion for those who have been hurt. The dark lines of the stone are a symbol of scars that the user may have. Those who struggle loving themselves or their flaws may find Rhodonite the stone they need.

• Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is a strong healing stone which for many is a go to for any emotional or spiritual recovery. Rose quartz is excellent for self love, calming, inner peace, and assists with friendships and romantic experiences

• Satin Spar (Selenite)
Satin Spar is a cleansing stone that contains the capacity for calming and balance. Satin Spar much like Quartz is a bright white stone which cleanses and purifies crystals around it. As well as cleansing stones it has the ability to cleanses the self and clear the mind of negative energies. This high energy stone is perfect for those seeking to no longer be clouded in their judgment.

• Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake  Obsidian is a balancing stone which aids in the release of darker thoughts or bad habits. It typically used in meditation to center the self and prepare for acceptance of one's shadow.

• Sodalite
Sodalite is a calming stone, which brings order and clarity to the mind. Sodalite helps discover a deeper intuition and come to terms with an inner truth. This stone aids in bringing emotional balance, and is great for people with panic attacks, anxiety and low self esteem.

• Tigers Eye
Tigers eye is an enhancing / grounding stone. Tigers Eye has a wide range of properties which includes: release of fear and anxiety, protection of negative energies, grounding personal energy, attraction of good luck, aids in deep meditation, center psychic power, and aids in expanding inner knowledge or premonitions.

• Unakite
Unakite is a balancing / enhancement stone that specializes in bringing emotions and spirit together to work in tandem in order to bring balance to all aspects of the users life.

• White jade
White jade is a healing / calming stone that aids with forging friendships and relationships. It provides the user with peace and eases everyday social anxiety.